143 research outputs found

    Data Communication in Hungary - The Telecommunication Infrastructure and Relevant Administrative Procedures

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    A description is provided of the data communication and telecommunication infrastructure in Hungary together with all the relevant administrative procedures. First, on a historical basis, the general status of telecommunication, information processing, and data communication is given. This is followed by a description of all the data communication services of the telegraph, telex, telephone, and dedicated data networks and the corresponding administrative procedures. Special emphasis is given to the public digital data network NEDIX, which is the first such service in Eastern Europe. Last but not least the legal basis for transborder data flows is outlined and a short overview of the present transborder data flow applications is described

    Perspective of Policy Development in the Field of Informatics: The Example of Videotex Technology

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    The paper represents the general view of the author on the important public policy issues raised by the emerging information society. It shows how the information society comes about in countries with different development status and policies, and those areas where future research is needed

    Telecommunications Hardware and Software Systems made in CMEA Countries and Yugoslavia

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    The telecommunications hardware and software systems used in CMEA (Council of Mutual Economic Assistance) countries and Yugoslavia are a most complex field of investigation. For this reason in this study the following approach has been adopted: Rather than collecting and presenting all CMEA telecommunications hardware and software systems in a directory type of form, which would neither be complete nor fully up to date (even at the time of data collection), a general analysis is given, with sufficient detailed information to make it useful. During the analysis we will discuss in depth the different classes of telecommunications hardware and software systems, their past, present, and potential future. In order to do this, the analysis has to include all major levels of the International Standardization Organization's Open System Interconnection (ISO/OSI) Reference Model--and this is the way we handle the telecommunications hardware and software systems of the CMEA countries and of Yugoslavia

    Computerized Message Sending and Teleconferencing in an International Environment - Present and Future

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    Computerized message sending and teleconferencing techniques are presently widely used in an international environment. This paper describes the present status (experience, problems, solutions) of electronic message exchange activities at an international research organization, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and gives a short outline of some of the future prospects in this field

    Public-Key Cryptosystems, Telesoftware and Other Novel Applications of Videotex

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    Telephone-based videotex systems are slowly changing from systems based on numeric, menu-type access methods that permit only information retrieval and limited message sending to more sophisticated, multiuser, interactive, transactional systems. This is partly due to the concept of adding external computers to the videotex network and partly due to the emergence of more intelligent terminals. In this paper, some major application areas that have been made possible by these developments, but have not yet received the attention they merit, are discussed in some detail: teleplaying, telegambling, telesoftware, telecomputing, and public-key cryptosystems. We maintain, and try to demonstrate, that these areas will significantly influence the market penetration and social impact of videotex. A number of the applications discussed will be available in Austria's videotex trial by September 82, making Austria the first country to offer such services on a nationwide videotex system

    One-Way Versus Two-Way Videotex

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    One-way and two-way videotex are often claimed to be more or less competing services, particularly if dedicated channels are used for the broadcast variety. In this paper we will try to dispel this notion. We will try to demonstrate that not only are the two services somewhat complementary in nature but that videotex will increase its potential by choosing a balanced combination of the two services. We also study the likely market penetration of videotex based on the speed of penetration of other communications-oriented services in the past and draw some conclusions how they might influence the market penetration of videotex systems and services

    The Role of the TPA-70 Gateway-Network in Promoting Transborder Data Flow of Scientific Information in an International Setting

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    This paper describes the recently developed "TPA-70 gateway-network" of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria, and of the Institute for Computerization and Automation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (SZTAKI) in Hungary, and its promoting role in the on-line exchange of scientific information among national and international institutes and organizations. It presents a short overview of the major categories of transborder data flows relevant to IIASA's work, and how the gateway-network handles them. Finally, some operational and technical aspects of this East-West network of gateways are discussed

    Printing without Paper?

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    More and more information is being read from cathode ray tube (CRT) screens. Despite improvements in many areas--display technology, readability of character sets, usable amount of information on a frame, software for handling pages--a glaring fact remains: Reading and browsing through information is still more pleasant using a stack of sheets of paper than using a display screen and electronically stored information. Yet, the preparation of hard-copy pages for once-only (or never) reading seems expensive and wasteful. It is our contention that this need not be the case if new concepts, such as printing on demand, and a concept we shall call multi-time paper (M-paper, for short) are used

    On Alphabetic Searching in Videotex Systems

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    Of the four major types of interactive videotex systems currently being tested (Telidon, Teletel, Captains and Prestel-like) only one (Teletel) permits the use of alphabetic keywords for searching. It is contended that alphabetic keyword searching should be incorporated into future videotex systems. Methods of alphabetic keyword searching in the absence of alphanumeric keyboards are then discussed. A novel technique which has recently been implemented on Prestel-like systems is proposed as an interim solution until genuine alphabetic searching becomes available
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